#!/bin/bash NC="\033[0m" CY="\033[0;36m" CG="\033[0;32m" CT="\033[0;35m" CW="\033[0;33m" UCT="\033[4;35m" UCY="\033[4;36m" UCP="\033[4;35m" UCB="\033[4;34m" CWB="\033[1;37m" CWH="\033[0;37m" CRN='\e[38;5;196m' CYB="\033[100;36m" CBN="\033[38;5;81m" CYN="\033[38;5;86m" CGN="\033[38;5;82m" while true; do clear echo -e " ${CWH}━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━${NC}" echo -e " ${CYB}${CWB} AUTOSCRIPT PAINSHOP.ID ${NC}" echo -e " ${CWH}━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━${NC}" echo -e " ${CBN}01.]${NC} Script VPN ${CWB}+${NC}${CG}Haproxy3${NC}" echo -e " ${CBN}02.]${NC} Script VPN ${CWB}+${NC}${CW}Stunnel4${NC}" echo -e " ${CBN}03.]${NC} Script VPN ${CWB}+${NC}${CT}Xray-only${NC}" echo -e " ${CBN}00.]${NC} ${CRN}Cancel installation${NC} (${CWB}exit${NC})" echo -e " ${CWH}━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━${NC}" read -p " Choice your option : " option case $option in 1 | 01) read -p "$(echo -e "Are you sure you want to install the ${UCB}Stunnel4 version${NC} of the script? (y/n): ")" konfirmasi if [[ $konfirmasi == "y" || $konfirmasi == "Y" ]]; then clear echo -e "[ ${CGN}INFO$NC ] ${CWB}Starting installation..${NC}." sleep 2 bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://scpaintechvpn.biz.id/haproxy3/install.sh)" break fi ;; 2 | 02) read -p "$(echo -e "Are you sure you want to install the ${UCY}Haproxy version 08.08.24${NC} of the script? (y/n): ")" konfirmasi if [[ $konfirmasi == "y" || $konfirmasi == "Y" ]]; then clear echo -e "[ ${CGN}INFO$NC ] ${CWB}Starting installation..${NC}." sleep 2 bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://scpaintechvpn.biz.id/stunnel4/setup)" break fi ;; 3 | 03) read -p "$(echo -e "Are you sure you want to install the ${UCP}Haproxy version 11.30.24${NC} of the script? (y/n): ")" konfirmasi if [[ $konfirmasi == "y" || $konfirmasi == "Y" ]]; then clear echo -e "[ ${CGN}INFO$NC ] ${CWB}Starting installation..${NC}." sleep 2 bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://risacantiv.serv00.net/xray_haproxy/install.sh)" break fi ;; 0 | 00) echo -e "${CWB}Exit the installer.${NC}" exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "${CRN}Invalid selection.${NC} ${CWB}Please try again.${NC}" ;; esac echo "" echo "Press enter to return again" read done